Thursday 9 April 2015

Follow a Plan to Educate Your Preschooler
Many government and university studies show that what happens during the first five years of a child's life determines all that follows, including social behavior and academic performance in school, college, and later in life. A child whose educational foundation is laid properly during this early development phase has the best possible chance to succeed in school and in life. Parents therefore, cannot wait for the educational system to lay this foundation; it is too late when our children go to school - the preschool period has come and gone!
Clearly then, it is our duty as parents to lay the right educational foundation during the early childhood development period; a truly daunting and forbidding responsibility. Many parents feel overwhelmed once they realize the enormity of the task. After all, it is a multi-faceted challenge that includes developing your child's vocabulary, fine and large motor muscles, imagination and social skills, to name a few. Many parents respond with questions such as: How do I approach this task? Where do I start? Which resources are available, and where do I find them? Where is the "Preschool Mastery 101" class?
For you to become your child's kindergarten teacher, so to speak, you need a system that not only tells you what to do, but also provides tools and tips to help you succeed. You can think of such a system as having two parts: Part 1 that provides the framework to lay the right educational foundation by giving information about the following aspects:
• The importance of actively developing children before they go to school. 
• Identification of the most important areas to develop. 
• Identification of and provision of strategies for each of the three most important learning styles. 
• How to balance work and play by making learning a fun experience. 
• How to stimulate a child's imagination and develop the skill to "think outside the box". 
• How to help my child make friends so that he or she is not lonely and unhappy. 
• Tools and Tips to help you develop a child's vocabulary, imagination, math and motor muscles. 
• How to plan your child's development process with a step-by-step example.

A Part 2 that provides the tools to help you succeed in laying your child's educational foundation. For example:
• Where and how to get educational material. 
• Ways to develop your child's math skills. 
• Check lists to measure your child's progress. 
• A monthly planner, so that you can properly structure your child's education.
What can I do today? 
Vocabulary is the single most important aspect on which to concentrate during the early childhood development phase. Is a well-developed vocabulary more important than math skills? Yes! It is because everything we learn, even math and music, is explained to us through words. Although we use symbols in math and music, we learned the meaning of those symbols through the spoken word. So, if your children do not fully understand what is being said, they will always be left behind!
One of the best ways to develop your child's vocabulary is to read them stories. Reading stories to your child, and talking about the story, benefits your child in many ways. It develops your child's vocabulary, imagination, and is an opportunity to spend quality time with your child.
Being willing to develop your child during the early childhood development phase is a great first step. Once parents understand their responsibilities, many parents start with enthusiasm, but then seem to lose their way. In most cases, it is because they don't have a roadmap in the form of an education plan. To lay your child's educational foundation successfully, get an educational system that shows you what to do. Then create a daily plan end stick to this plan!
Know more info on Preschool Maths.

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